Only about 1 day left before we heading back to UK. I'm trying my best to spend time with my beloved family members, my friends & all my loved ones.I've tried my best to fulfil all invitations & I would like to apologise if I /we did not make it.
As I was sitting at a saloon having a hair cut yesterday, I saw an article wrote by my dear ex-schoolmate, Elaine Kwong about her experience being diagnosed of ovarian cancer. I contacted her husband last few weeks if Elaine accepts visitors, but I totally understand if she doesn't because I just lost my father due to Lung Cancer last year & it was not easy for him/us to accept visitors. Last week, I managed to visit my ex-primary schoolmate, Nur Ezlin, who is also fighting brain cancer. Alhamdulillah, she could still recognise us(her friends during the visit) despite her speech difficulties.
Praise to Allah, I could find time to drop by at IJN -visited my aunt who underwent artery bypass surgery, Ara Damansara Medical Centre- to comfort a good friend of mine, whose father was in ICU & Putrajaya Hospital- to give moral support to my colleague, whose baby daughter is still in NICU since the first day she was born due to some heart complications. I know I may not able to help financially/physically but All I can do is, showing moral support & Through my prayers/du'as to Allah.
As what My parents had taught me before & I still remember exactly what my mom said "my ustaz told me if you can't afford to perform Umrah in Mecca..the other way is just pay a visit to an ill or unwell person (dengan ikhlas). The reward is as great as performing an Umrah.
Usually the unwell person will also pray for his/her visitors & Allah will answer the prayers because the unwell person's doa/prayers are powerful & effective, Insya Allah.. That's the beauty of it.. "
All of us have been given a certain amount of time, and we do not know how much time we have left. I will try to make use of my time & hopefully I use it wisely which also benefits others. As I always hold on to the "Pay it forward" concept; respond to a person's kindness to oneself by being kind to someone else. Insya Allah..I will take the support I have had and try to pay it forward whenever I can.