Tuesday, 26 April 2016

Armaan's Quiet Book Project

Armaan's Quiet Book...

Armaan's therapist suggested that he may start schooling next January since he'll be 3 years old in October. Yes, I'm excited! Even though, it's just a play school.. But at least something for him.. Siapa la tak nak tengok anak sendiri masuk sekolah. This reminds me of how hard to get a special school for Marsya.. & now it's Armaan's turn..
I still remember that I used to make learning materials for Marsya when we were back in Malaysia.. Gigih benor Mama ni cari from internet the printable ones, I printed & laminated them, bought velcro tapes & tried to spare some times at night after work to teach/play with Marsya (I posted some of pictures on FB before)... Masa tu nak cari sekolah untuk Marsya memang mencabar juga.. So I didn't want to waste more time. I needed to take actions before it was too late (to me la.. Time is precious..tak nak Marsya jauh ketinggalan daripada anak2 normal yg lain.. Masa tu la kan.. ). Kalau boleh, I don't want to totally depend on the teachers/ therapists etc.. I want to take part.. Be in her life (most of the time-kalau boleh), & make sure I witnessed myself most of her little achievement..

When I was young, I used to dream of becoming a kindergarten teacher (macam best je keje dgn kanak-kanak riang), or a child psychiatrist (when I was a teenager la.. But When I got to know that I need to take medical course for that.. Err..,Mmg.. Mintak ampun la.. Makcik ni memang x suka biology ).. Might be for that reason, Allah gave me 2 special needs children.. (Before you want to take care of others' children, you better take care of yours first! ).
I saw some postings on Quite Book on FB last week.. It gave me ideas.. At first, I wanted to just order from Ebay/Amazon, but it's so expensive.. Coz most of them are handmade..
Last2 buat sendiri je lah..
I got some ideas from Pinterest & youtube...
Tengah stress tgk thesis.. Better la buat ni kejap..
It's worth it! Alhamdulillah, Armaan loves it too.. :)

This is how I did it:

Just recycle what ever you have - old baby clothes, gloves, buttons, stickers, beads etc
Cut the characters that you want to be added in the Quiet Book

Clothes with zippers/ buttons are just perfect. You just need to choose .. Pilih yg mana berkenan di hati

Some of the pages might need PvC glue/ needle/threads.. Depends on your creativity.. Just play along.. The ideas will come naturally

The 'Numbers' page.. With beads

Learning about nature? Forest with bunnies, trees, flowers, little creatures (butterfly/ladybug).

The Cover -Armaan's Quiet Book
Designed by : Mama

The 'peek-a-boo' & key-chains with buttons page. I bought the engraved keychains with my daughters' names in Bali-wanted to frame them.. but totally forgetten about them & Lastly, found them back & got this idea..

The keychains can be kept in the pocket

You can also play " I spy" game with your child with this page. I purposely designed it with 1 ladybug (behind a leaf), 2 butterflies, 3 apples, 4 roses & 5 bunnies..
Let's learn about ladybug

Learning numbers with velcro
"Match" game

Learning colours is fun!

How about shapes?
Finger puppets? (Actually I got these puppets last few years at one of the carboot sales... Been keeping them & terjumpa balik.. Rumah kecik.. Tapi berangan nak simpan byk barang..) You can make yourself the puppets

Playing ball.. Try to ask your child to place the button (ball) into the pocket.

Learning ABC.. I got help from my daughters on this.. Susah juga nak cari idea A for..? X for..?

Learning about land transport.. Train (keretapi pendek jadi la..), car & truck.. With traffic light & direction arrow.
The last page where I keep the train, car, truck & direction arrow.

Armaan tried his new book.. Hmm.. Not bad..