I have posted this on my Notes in FB before but I think from now on I will post all my Note for my Children in my blog as well. I think it's time for me to concentrate with my writing & post it in my blog. There are so many things that I want to share with my children which I'm afraid time is so crucial. As parents, we always seem to be wishing for more time. I hope my children will learn something from writing as their guidelines in life especially when I'm not around later.
Thursday, 08 September 2011, 5.00pm
My dearest kiddos,
I'm sorry, I know I can't afford to give each of you all of my attention by atleast reading you story books like I used to do before.I've always wanted to share with you my own stories. There are times we learn more through informal education, which I always believe that makes us WISER.The informal education which I'm referring to is our own EXPERIENCES or what we've been adviced.Therefore, I've always wanted to have a journal, to share every single thing in my life with you even if I'm not around.I hope from now on I will atleast spare you a note a day.
Lesson No.1 : 3 Important Words; Please, Sorry & Thank you
Since I was young, these are the 3 words that always pop out of my mouth. Do say please,Sorry & Thank you as they show your manners. They are just simple words but give great impact. How do you feel when someone ask for help and uses 'please'? I'm sure it would touch your heart and you will try to help him/her as much as you could. If you want people to treat the same thing like you treat others, practise this word.
Sorry & Thank you- These are my favourite words. Just imagine if you get hurt & angry with someone, she says sorry immidiately-how would u feel? When you are growing up saying “sorry” is a magical thing, and so easy to do. No matter what you have done, a simple “sorry”, even if you don't mean it, and all is forgiven. (it will be a complicated word when you become older, dont worry you will learn). But say it with all your heart.Some examples are " Maaf Makcik/pakcik, kalau saya menyusahkan sebab kena hantar saya balik rumah" or " Maaf menggangu pakcik/makcik, boleh saya bercakap dengan...,Terima kasih". Thank you shows how you appreciate people. I'm sure you like to be appreciated (all of us do) but the word "Thank You" means more than just an appreciation of people's kindness. I like this phase 'Love isn’t love until it is given away; until it flows over to others'- like giving thanks. How do say thank you to Allah? By saying Alhamdulillah,I'm sure Allah will always listen to you because you appreciate his LOVE.
I hope that I've taught you something today. Dania, if you are reading this please share it with your sisters. I will try write more notes for all of u to replace my time which I could not spend with you.
I love u so much..
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