Friday, 11 November 2011

Teaching Our Kids To Solat

One day, my second daughter, Sarah asked me " Mama, why do we have to solat?" I was speechless. Was not ready to answer the question. I was so afraid that if I didn't use the right word; my children would have different understanding of the importance of solat. Since then, the question kept hunting me. I have been thingking all these while how to teach my kids to love solat. I always believe as parents, we have to be really careful in teaching our children about our religion- to know & love our Creator. Every single tiny thing counts. I don't want to force them. Spreading Islam is not about forcing. We need to teach them slowly & gently. How to make them interested to perform solah? We need to teach them the basic thing first. The concept of Iman in Islam.

I googled, done some research, read books/articles & asked around how other parents taught their children to solah. So many ideas or interpretations from them, Alhamdulillah more parents have aware the importance of teaching their children to perform solah.

Finally found a book regarding how to teach & make our children love to solat. A simple way to make them understand the importance of solat, by teaching them the basic thing; the concept of Iman. I know I'm not a perfect Muslim; there's so much more that I need to learn especially after I've become a mother. A recommended book to Muslim parents. Writer: Mustafa Abul Ma'athi, Publisher: Al-Hidayah Publications, Price : RM15.00

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